Lha depends on the goodwill of volunteers and monetary and material donations for it to provide essential rehabilitation resources to the exiled Tibetan community. Lha is a non-profit organization solely dependent on monetary contributions from philanthropic corporations and generous individuals. In India, even a little goes a long way, and a lot goes very far!

Account Name: Lha Charitable Trust
Account Number: 2517000101008335
Bank Name: The Punjab National Bank
Branch: Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala, H.P

Payable to: Lha Charitable Trust
Lha Office Temple Road, Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala, 176219
Distt Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

Donate online using Skrill by Moneybookers

Testimonials & Feedback

Here are just a few of the testimonials from volunteers, the local community, and those who have participated in the cultural exchange program.

We use this feedback to help us improve our service delivery to students and monitor the welfare of our volunteers. We are committed to making sure the experience is beneficial and educational for both parties. If you have any questions about the testimonials given, or would like to share your own experience of Lha, click here to join Lha's Blog community.
Lha has the most stable classes of all the educational facilities in Dharamsala. It is only closed for four days during the Tibetan new year, otherwise, we can attend even in the winter time when for some it is school holidays. Without these great people – the staff members, sponsors, volunteers and other any supporters, how would we Lha students gain these opportunities? I am highly appreciative, and, once again, I thank you for all of your work and your devotion to your goals. -Dolker Choedon, 2008
The service provided by the Lha community is very helpful and the staff members working here are so nice and cordial.- Ngawang Dolma.
For me, the way the teachers teach and administrators administrate is going so well. My hearty wish is that the Lha staff members can carry on their good performance continuously for the betterment of society .- Nyitri.
Last month I joined Lha and have achieved a lot in my knowledge of English. I’m still learning here and improving my English grammar and spoken English. I am extremely glad. Actually my main ambition is to study Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist science, and to struggle for a Free Tibet. I got an excellent tutor from San Francisco. He is an amazing person and taught me wonderfully.Lha charitable trust has an excellent facility for all situations and I learned a lot from here. I am going to miss this fantastic charitable trust awfully.- Lobsang Tenpa from Nepal.
Actually within those three months I was very happy in the class, with many friends and excellent teachers. And right now I am improving my knowledge of English and computers. It’s very good and helpful in my daily life. So, I am very grateful to Lha, and want to say thank you to Lha for everything .- Choekyi.
Firstly I thank Lha for giving me such a wonderful chance to learn languages and computers. This is my first experience to be in a community like Lha and I am enjoying it a lot. I hope and wish that Lha will keep going until we get our country back. Tenzin Kalden.
The teachers working here are very helpful and excellent. The current running of this community is wonderful and the way they educate those who knew nothing about English is very appreciable. It was very helpful for those who came from Tibet recently.-Jamyang Choekyi.
I appreciate LHA’s approach to providing education to the Tibetan community, and I am expecting that they will continue it in the future.- Tashi Dhorjee.
(Lha) was the first time I had joined an English class in my life, and at that time, I only really knew the English alphabet. Now, I can speak, write and translate general words into English. This is not only thanks to my diligence, but mainly thanks to the great kindness of the staff members and volunteer teachers of Lha. Their work benefits many refugees very much, like me. -Former student Woser Shine, October 2007
Most of Lha’s students are jobless, Tibetan refugees in Dharamsala. Lha has welcomed us as well as the Indian and Himalayan people freely. Lha has no limitations and everybody can join. All of the staff members are so calm… my speaking English has progressed more within two years at Lha than it has in five years at the Suja school. -Dolker Choedon, 2008
Lha has helped me tremendously in my life as I, like many others here, cannot afford to pay for English lessons, and I am also too old to attend India. –Former student Palden, 2010
When I came first here I didn’t know how to write and read English. After those three weeks I practiced just simple English very often and I met gentle foreign teachers in Lha.
Now I know how to write and speak English for two and half years. That I feel is a great honor to me, but of course the chief honor is to Lha. There are nice rules, gentle staff and good teachers from different countries. Moreover, whoever wants to learn about Buddhism I can now introduce it in English. - Former student Soepa, September 2007
My opinion is that Lha has the steadiest and best of all voluntary classes in McLeod Ganj. Many foreigners recognize that and they therefore like to volunteer at Lha for a long time. -Former student Woser Shine, October 2007
In the Lha class I have been learning English for more than one year. I have got a golden opportunity to learn English, train computer, practice Yoga, and if I get sick I will get free medicine. -Former student Ginpa Gyatso, August 2007
Lha has the most stable classes of all the educational facilities in Dharamsala. It is only closed for four days during the Tibetan new year, otherwise, we can attend even in the winter time (when for some it is school holidays). Without these great people – the staff members, sponsors, volunteers and other any supporters, how would we Lha students gain these opportunities? I am highly appreciative, and, once again, I thank you for all of your work and your devotion to your goals. -Dolker Choedon, 2008
Lha is a non-profit, non-governmental, grassroots social work organization located in Dharamsala, India. Lha was founded in 1997 and in 2005 was registered as a non-profit and charitable trust in Himachal Pradesh. Every year we submit our income statements to the Indian Income-Tax Department and undergo an audit. The following are our financial statements from 2005 to 2011 fiscal years, which have already been reviewed. Following the financial statements are graphical representations of some of the key aspects we would like to highlight.

Lha's commitment is to help the Tibetan people survive and prosper in their new home of Dharamsala and to preserve their profoundly unique culture. The means to which we have been able to accomplish these goals has changed over the years. In 2005, as a young organization, Lha had few assets. Lha has steadily grown since then, and now occupies two buildings, which house our classes, soup kitchen, social services and volunteer and exchange student group accommodations. In 2005 Lha had seven full time employees, which has since expanded to nine. The notable increase in wage expenses between 2009 and 2011 reflects the decision to provide a livable wage to the Tibetan employees.

Lha took on the responsibility to pay rent for the operations building during the 2009 financial year, after the purchasing of the new Ahimsa House building, and becoming more financially stable. Since 2005 we have slowly been accumulating assets for the language classes, computer courses and social services which function out of the building, such as computers for our offices and classes, and books and teaching resources for the community libraries.

In 2007 Lha began the process of acquiring a four story building, the Ahimsa House, to house a community soup kitchen and volunteer accommodation. In May 2011 Lha used the remaining funds from the corpus receipt and capital fund to make the final payment on the Ahimsa House. This will be reflected in the financial statement for the 2012 financial year. We began working on the community soup kitchen project in 2010 and officially opened it in 2011. Since 2007 Lha has also purchased many furnishings and appliances for the volunteer accommodations. The donations from Exchange students and volunteers staying in Lha’s accommodations have also created a new source of income for Lha. In the future, Lha hopes that the donations raised from visitors in these accommodations, in conjunction with cultural exchanges and visitors services, will create a stable and sustainable financial foundation for the organization.

The Annual Report, written by Lha’s Director, Ngawang Rabgyal, sets out the aims of the organization, the year’s developments and the latest financial position. It also illustrates the diversity of the social programs provided, and the numbers of students who have benefited from these services. These achievements could not have been reached without the generosity of the volunteers and the dedication of the students and Lha’s employees.

Lha’s primary goal is to provide meaningful social services, such as free education, computer skills courses, vocational training, health and environmental education and service, volunteer coordination, cultural exchanges, free books, medicine and clothing distribution. The services of Lha are open to Tibetan refugees as well as the local Indian population and people from the Himalayan regions.